Male haircuts autumn / winter 2015-2016

 When choosing a haircut, men take into consideration a number of aspects: status, age, individual priorities, but the main factor still remains the same - comfort and convenience: hair must be easily stowed in a minimal amount of time. On a cold autumn-winter season 2015-2016 season the fashion industry once again provided a lot of different interesting styles of haircuts for men, and of any length and thickness of the hair, however, with modern techniques still do not forget the hair structure and shape of the face. Several plants, which should use when choosing a fashionable hairstyle:
• shorter haircut, the less time and effort required to man hair care and styling;
• the average length of hair and all sorts of variations of this length would require much more time to the guy could freshen up;
• thin and damaged strands strongly recommended otfilirovat and cut as short as possible;
• unruly, curly and wavy hair for men is enough to trim or to make a cascade of light tapering;
• asymmetric strands will go to men with a long face, but a round face will help visually adjust haircut with a smooth transition layers.
    In the autumn-winter 2015-2016 will be especially popular classic men's short haircut - retro style returns, and torn tips and asymmetry.

    Types of male haircuts and their names.
Classic . These haircuts will never go out of fashion, they will always look decent. Moreover, such a hairstyle will suit both young and men in adulthood. Home feature - the smooth and smooth strands laid side-parting. For those who do not like parting, comb-over can be done earlier.

Style "grunge." Reflects the punk culture and the culture of classic rock. This rebellious haircuts, implying disheveled hair. This style is for those guys who want to draw attention to themselves. An important focus can act shaven whiskey combined with long bangs oblique.

Militari . This style is characterized by hard men position themselves warriors for life. Hair length - minimum. Whiskey greatly shaved. The most common - a shaved head with a small portion of the minimum length of hair.

Sporting a hairstyle . It is characteristic of those men who prefer conservative styling very short with a minimum length of hair, do not require any maintenance at all. From military style characterized by a smaller area of hairless areas of the head, often limited to a haircut shaved temples.

    There are many options, but still need to find their own personal style by which non-standard manifest your individuality. 

Tag : haircuts

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