Fashionable hair color 2015 3D painting, Ombre

Woman so unpredictable nature that is perhaps no surprise if it will change hair color every other day, or at least every week. It seems such a small thing - the hair color, but the feeling for any woman incredible, we believe that with the hair color change something in our lives. And, according to any woman, with the arrival of the warm season should change something, well, at least the color of the hair. 
    In the season 2015 in a fashion natural in everything, including the color of hair. Hair coloring in natural colors will give your hair shine, refresh the image and help relieve a couple of years. Modern paint from the category of high-quality, expensive, good by the fact that along with painting and even take care of the hair, thus changing the image with the arrival of spring and summer, and you are tired of winter Treat hair. 
    Modern masters of hairdresser's art perfectly mastered various techniques staining, and you will be offered the choice and brondirovanie and highlighting, and Ombre dyeing and coloring, and 3D painting, the choice will be yours. It is worth noting that in the 2015 season in the warm shades of fashion, but resolved to give your hair a shade should be based on your natural data is now in the advanced capabilities of stylists, you can pick a hair color, in accordance with the desire and without unnecessary risks. 
    In the main trends and aspirations in the natural blonde coloring can sleep peacefully, their blond hair are at the peak. They just perfected a bright blond highlights different, strands, or deep roots, you can add vibrant color hair pastel shades. In addition, gray and platinum shades fade into the background, and in the trend of this season can be called sand and wheat hues. And do not think that such a plan will only fit gamma light-skinned beauties, dark brown-eyed beauty can take advantage of a warm palette of shades of blonde, who are well represented in the collections of modern hair dyes. 

    fair-haired representative of the beautiful half of humanity in this season, perhaps, are the most winning position. If you are awarded such a nature hair color, you only have this season is slightly kolorirovat your hair contrasting shades well or Streaked few strands. The most popular shades of the season for the light-brown hair fashionistas are milk chocolate, cappuccino, caramel. You can pick up a few tinting shampoos and experiment with colors quite a long time. 
    brunette in season 2015 is offered blotches of bright colors as red tips on chestnut hair. The effect is stunning especially if your hair will shine, so you need to purchase a vehicle, give your hair shine. Even with dark shades for coloring your hair is better to choose warm colors, but the aubergine and blue-black is better to forget, these shades are far from natural.

And if you want to add a bit of devilry in your image, you can try on the image of the red-haired witch as rich shades of red and red colors are in the trend of the season 2015. The different shades of this color makes your look playful and flirtatious. Particularly suitable such green-eyed or brown-eyed tone smuglokozhih girls. And at the trendy Ombre dyeing you can combine more than one, but several shades of color you beloved.

Returning to the natural in appearance, we note the popularity of the noble natural gray hair . Mature women get some advantage, and can not afford the time to paint stuck locks, and feel with the Snow Queen. Young girls, adding a bit of gray in his hair, give her the image of a noble.
    A lover of pure black colors will not remain on the sidelines this season, this shade is suitable for almost everyone, except for girls and women with the nature of the coarse facial features, you do not need to be painted black, you seem older than his years. Of course, a natural blonde with white skin is better not to try to radically change its appearance, repainting black, but brown-eyed beauties

                                                            Staining Ombre home

 Visiting the modern beauty salons eyes just run away from the abundance of services offered to clients. Prices are full of unfamiliar names - painting Ombre brondirovanie, painting in the style of tie and dye, and that's not all, though, and the price next to these names also appear to be extraordinary. What is Ombre? Is it possible to master this technique at home? 
    On all modern displays stars shine well-groomed hair, painted in several colors at once, this is Ombre staining. . The hair is not painted at the roots, in the middle of the strand occurs at lightening 1-2 tones, but the tips had lightened a few shades. This creates the impression of a little burnt hair, and the transition from color to color and a smooth transition boundary is not visible. 
    There is no doubt staining Ombre looks best on long hair, although holders of short haircuts have to try this technique. Blondes are the most difficult, to achieve a noticeable effect is not easy, unless lighten even more tips, but brunettes field boundless imagination - choose colors and start. Many believe that this staining technique is quite complicated, but in fact and at home can be done Ombre staining, if you carefully follow our advice. 

    Before dyeing hair at home you must still visit the barber shop, you need a haircut, and it's best make a master of his craft, just ask not to get involved tapering. For coloring hair you need paint in various shades, and better if it is paint-mousse, it is easier to divorce, also need a special brush, hair clips and foil. And yet, now sell kits for Ombre staining, they have all provided by the manufacturers. 
Select the colors, given the color of your own hair, if your hair is closer to the chestnut, and the paint should not be too light, otherwise you run the risk of an unsuccessful attempt turn into acid blonde yellow, chocolate is good for you to color. If your hair is closer to the Light Brown shades, you can try and rather light colors. And for natural blondes will yield platinum shades, they will be visible on light hair. 
   To the first pancake turned out not lumpy, it is better to invite a girlfriend to help paint the hair on the back of the head, where the most difficult to apply paint. Decide for yourself, which must be pass the border and begin staining procedure. Start with the back of the head, divide the hair into two equal parts, send them all back and can apply paint. 

    First, apply the paint on the bottom 1/3 of the hair, wrap in foil and kept for 15 minutes, then apply the paint to the second third of the hair and wrap it foil and held for another 7-9 minutes. Then, all the paint from the hair is washed off. Visually determine whether you have reached the desired color when the hue on the tips of the hair you are not satisfied, on the dried hair, apply the remaining paint and hold for a while the tips of the hair in foil. 
    For the uniform application of paint on your hair, use a comb with a few teeth in kits Ombre staining it is already attached, when applied remember, if medium-length hair, the paint should be applied to the middle of the ear, and if the hair is long, up to the chin, then the effect will be more spectacular Ombre. 
    For owners of short haircuts Ombre dyeing should be done with caution, the reason is that short hair is very noticeable turn transitions from one color to another, and it looks unnatural. Usually more than half lighten hair to lighten it a little more the very tips, so the transition becomes invisible. 
    You can experiment with shades, if you are strong by nature, you can take a range of colors, which is very different in tone, and then the effect will be much more noticeable Ombre.For the experiments, you can not use paint and sprays tint, then your extravagant not shocking others, but only time will excite their imagination. 
    After completion of the procedure required to put on hair or balm or a mask, the hair is still subjected to chemical attack, they must It should be supported. Painting begins to be washed off after two or three treatments shampooing, do not be afraid, try and experiment, it will make your appearance unforgettable.

                                                                3D hair coloring

The woman - nature is restless, creative, she always tends to change. This is especially noticeable in the spring, when the desire to transform the woman begins to prevail over all others. Here and begin experimenting. 
    Hair coloring has always attracted women. They try different techniques in painting and of course a variety of colors. It seems only recently appeared lamination, brondirovanie, glazing, but that experts have not stopped - there was hair coloring 3D. This type of staining is called staining trend of the new generation. To cope with such work only by real professionals who have good taste and a special creative approach to work. 

    3D painting creates the effect of bulk hair saturated color and hair seemed to shimmer, changing its color. When it comes to 3D painting three shades of one color. To achieve results can only creative nature, able to predict the result. They are carefully selected colors. One shade chosen major, two other auxiliary. What good this technique, it is suitable for all hair colors. All shades are filled with color and brilliance. 
    The creators of this art Japanese, it is there are special ion-based paint on the gentle. The peculiarity of these paints is that they not only color the hair, they are destroyed and reduced hair structure. The essence of 3D coloring is as follows - the individual strands are painted, placed in certain areas of the head. Master carefully selects paint three close shades of color. Hair colored stripes in a specific pattern, it turns out that one color is applied to the other and creates the effect of flickering holographic and versatility. And if you use for painting the so-called matrix paint, the hair shine is enhanced. 

    Of course, the choice of paint in a lot depends on what your hair color and skin. If you have gray or blue eyes, your ideal ashy color and shades close to it. If you are the owner of brown eyes, you can choose a palette of dark shades, here you can help a professional hairdresser.For the green-eyed of the fairer sex are also possible choices of color. In fact, the technology 3D combines the coloring and brondirovanie and highlighting, coloring, and only advantage is that the risks are minimized painting. 

Special colors for this type of staining composed of 85% natural ingredients, they contain protective enzymes, they have a 50% increase hair shine. Professional color palette huge number of basic colors.And women who have used the service 3D coloring, note that after this procedure, the hair set off the face of an extraordinary way, and look much younger woman. Also solved the problem of a standard staining, if this technology is not seen growing roots of hair, there is no need to tint them periodically. 

In addition to these advantages, we note another positive point - the shade of hair varies depending on the light and viewing angle. On a bright sunny day hair is the same color, as if the sun disappeared behind the clouds, and hair color has changed. Completely create the illusion of color overflow. And after every hair wash will be new colors and halftones. The duration of the effect depends on how you take care of the hair. Tip one - stick to the recommendations of the master who painted you. 

If your hair before coloring were damaged, the recovery effect and 3D effect after the first treatment should not wait. Only after the second dye will be noted the desired result. Staining in a similar style to hide the flaws of your hair, visually enlarge the volume, add brightness and shine. For all that, it's called painting trend, progressive, fashionable, unambiguous attitude towards him there. Some artists did not recognize this type of staining for innovation, considering that it is a variant bulk coloring and highlighting, and some women do not trust such experiments. 

    No matter what supporters and opponents 3D staining method takes place has its fans and is popular in many hair salons. There is one little "but" - it is quite expensive, but the volume and delightful hair color is worth it. Holographic paint will restore your hair and make them healthy and shiny.

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